2017/06/18-23 Gordon Research Conferences

  • 2017-01-19
  • TES
Place: Hong Kong
Time: June 18-23, 2017


Gordon Research Conferences shares the concern of many scientists worldwide that the U.S. government's recent executive order may have a chilling effect on the participation of international scientists in expanding the frontiers of science at our many conferences. GRC was created as an international forum for collaboration to advance those frontiers. We take pride in our Mission Statement which highlights our aim to influence the culture of science to be inclusive, open to new ideas, and engaged with all communities, as well as to make each of our conferences responsive to the needs of the worldwide scientific community. We host over 300 conferences annually in the United States, Europe and Asia, attended by nearly 35,000 scientists each year, over 14,000 of which are from countries other than the U.S. We recognize, and fully value, the contributions of every one of our attendees from all corners of the world.