Taiwan Endometriosis Society



Taiwan Endometriosis Society aims for combining international and domestic healthcare professionals and researchers to enhance the diagnosis, treatment and academic research level of endometriosis. 
Professor Chii-Ruey Tzeng acted as the chairperson of Taiwan Endometriosis Society Preparatory Committee and filed the application to the Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C.(Taiwan) in 2014 and Taiwan Endometriosis Society(TES) has been established since September 6th, 2015. We hope that through Taiwan Endometriosis Society to achieve national health through resource integration, coherence and the combination of domestic and international medical and research personnel to enhance clinical research for endometriosis in Taiwan. 

Our Mission

1. Promote the research of endometriosis
2. Conduct endometriosis related professional, academic lectures and seminars
3. Release endometriosis related academic dissertations and journals
4. Contact international and domestic academic societies and medical institutions to engage the research development and application of endometriosis
5. Attend worldwide academic events and conferences to promote international exchange and enhance Taiwan’s international academic standing and prestige
6. Raise the standard of clinical treatment by conducting medical training for endometriosis to promote national health and welfare
7. Handle other endometriosis related academic research