The 9th Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction Congress (Aspire 2019)

  • 2018-12-11
  • TES

Greeting from the 9th Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction Congress (Aspire 2019). 

ASPIRE is turning into its 11th year since its establishment in 2008 with our new spirit: “GROWTH”, --- generous, robust, obvious, wise, tremendous, and humanistic.

On the 9th Congress of ASPIRE which will be held from 2 – 5 May 2019 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, we’re really pleased to welcome you all to Hong Kong, a very dynamic city in the centre of Asia. The future of reproductive medicine will be discussed, dissected and presented during the pre-congress and main congress. This world class scientific event is believed to leverage the advancement of assisted reproductive technology and empowering our region.

Many scientist, clinician, nurses, embryologist, IVF counsellor are cordially invited to share their expertise and experiences among the participants.
ASPIRE also has a very good collaborative session with ASRM and ESHRE and several countries’ fertility society in order to enhance active participation and engagement from every ASPIRE member to join our prestigious congress.

We are also looking forward for every participant to enjoy the beautiful of culture, tradition, scenery, and delicious food in Hong Kong which will be definitely make your stay in Hong Kong unremarkable.

Greatest appreciation is delivered to the organizing committee for their hard work in making everything happened.
Welcome to Hong Kong.  Let us empower our region!

Sincerely Yours,
Prof. Budi WIWEKO
President, Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE)
